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Nurses Role in IPD , OPD and ICU

What Is Outpatient Department?

OPD is a place where a patient goes first when he feels ill

Patients who do not need overnight hospitalization are admitted in the outpatient department

Surgical, dental and nursing care is provided to patients

Objectives of OPD

To provide adequate quality of care
All modern technique for investigation and treatment
Creating facilities for total patient satisfaction
Good public relation

Importance of OPD

It serves as mirror
Visited by large section of community
First point of contact between patient and hospital staff
A good OPD service reduce the load on in-patient services
It is a place for implementing preventive & promotive health activities.

Functions of OPD

Provide a major source of specialist medical opinion
Early diagnosis, curative, preventive & rehabilitative care
Screening for admission to hospital
Follow up care & care after discharge
Promotion of health by health education
Rendering of preventive health care

Types of OPD Service 

1.Centralized Outpatient Services :

All services are provided in a compact area which includes all diagnostic and therapeutics facilities being provided in the same place.

 2.  Decentralized Outpatient Services :

Services are provided in the respective departments.

Types of Out Patient

1.General Outpatient

All the patients other than emergencies who report directly to the OPD

2.    Emergency Outpatient

A person given emergency medical care for condition which is real or perceived emergency.

3.    Referred Outpatient 

A person referred to an OPD by his attending medical/dental practitioner for specific diagnostic/treatment procedure.

Role of nurse in OPD

Direct Care

Nurses provide direct care to patients in the form of treatments and dispensing of medication, as directed by a physician. In a home setting, nurses participate in setting up the care plan for the patient and administer drugs, take vital signs and change dressings. In clinics and doctor’s offices, nurses work directly with patientsm by getting their medical histories, monitoring vital signs and performing blood draws. In outpatient settings, nurses may operate testing equipment, assist with rehabilitative treatments and administer intravenous fluids.

The nurses role focuses on the provision

of direct care to people in an outpatient

or clinic environment. The nurse  may

work with people of all ages and with

different health and social care needs.

Nurses in this role will:

•assess needs, plan, implement and evaluate evidence-based nursing care;

•provide healthcare advice through educating patients, carers and families;

•ensure the smooth running of clinics;

•carry out clinical nursing procedures;

•work collaboratively with other members of the health and social care team;

•supervise other staff and students;

•contribute to the dissemination of good practice by participating in teaching and learning



Just like in the hospital setting, nurses in outpatient environments keep detailed records of their work. They must record their findings after administering tests and keep a careful log of their patients’ progress. They record test findings as they return from the lab and document observations of patients’ conditions. Nurses record patient symptoms before

the doctor arrives to streamline the process of patient care in outpatient facilities.


Nurses are involved in patient education in outpatient settings and often are the primary contact between patients and their caregivers in home health situations. They may teach patients how to administer their own medicines and manage physical therapy requirements. Nurses teach patients about nutrition and pain management as well as how to recognize symptoms and complications. Outpatient nurses hold seminars and community meetings on specific health care concerns and teach family caregivers how to manage their loved ones’ conditions.


Communication in every health care situation is crucial, and nurses play a vital role in maintaining the flow of information between patients, caregivers and physicians. In home health situations, nurses manage aides that visit daily and serve as the link between the hands-on providers and the treating physicians. Nurses supervise in-home aides and must clearly communicate care instructions to the aides to ensure proper patient care. In clinics and doctors’ offices, nurses must clearly communicate the history and symptoms presented by patients so doctors can diagnose and treat patients appropriately.

In Patient Department

•Basically People go to hospital for two purpose; either seek out door consultation in OPD or for admission in hospital. Inpatient ward are for those patients who need treatment under healthcare personal’s supervision.

 Patient are admitted in Inpatient Ward for short and long term depending on severity of their disease.

•Inpatient Department consists of a  wards with Nursing Station, Beds, and all other facility  & services necessary for good patient care.

•It is one of the important aspects of hospital as every ratios and calculation for hospital planning and designing process is based upon the no. of bed it consists.

Function  of  Inpatient  Department

To provide highest possible quality of medical and nursing care.

To make a provision of essential equipment, Drugs, and other material required

for patient care.

To provide comfortable and desirable environment to patient on temporary substitution of home.

To provide facilities for visitors.

To provide suitable atmosphere for highest possible degree of job satisfaction among healthcare personal and high level of patient satisfaction.

To provide opportunity for education, Training and research

Features of IPD

The IPD forms 33%-50% of the structure of hospital construction and most of the equipment and staffs are in this department with maximum amount of patient care, training, medical teaching and research concentrated in this department . IPD is the area which gives maximum output of services and name and fame to the hospital too and so maximum vigilance is required to  prevent litigation and to gain patient satisfaction.

Role of Nurse in IPD

Inpatient care nurse consultants play a major role in ensuring complete recovery for patients admitted into a hospital by offering palliative care. Additionally, they handle health information technology, which deals with auditing medical records for errors and coordinating corrections. They also serve as health educators, teaching patients with chronic illnesses skills to help manage their illnesses.

Clinical Responsibilities

Inpatient care nurses’ main goal is to improve patients' quality of life while ensuring they're comfortable. 

Palliative care includes treatment of symptoms, such as pain, nausea, loss of appetite, the stress of illness and discomfort. Other duties involve carrying out assessments of a patient’s condition, issuing medication, evaluation and physical assistance, if necessary. 

In addition, nurses ensure admissions and discharges of patients occur promptly by collaborating with relevant departments.

Managerial Responsibilities

Inpatient nurses' duties extend to managerial levels. They maintain patient files, update patient statistics and provide reports to doctors and other staff members when necessary.

For admissions, inpatient nurse consultants verify member coverage and ensure accuracy of member information. Inpatient nurses also serve as representatives of the health care facility in nursing forums and meetings that discuss issues such as the facility’s quality of health care.

Personnel Responsibilities

Inpatient care nurse consultants engage in staff placements in the inpatient department. The mandate extends to conducting regular staff performance reviews and ensuring standards of inpatient care remain high.

Coordinating inpatient care services and providing expert advice also falls within their responsibilities. Such professionals also assist in identifying signs of employees' stress and provide the necessary support.

 Research and Development Responsibilities

Inpatient care nurse consultants work with other staff members to ensure delivery of proper palliative care. They aid in providing feedback on improving working conditions. Also, they assist in implementing strategies that ensure provision of fast and effective health care. Care nurse consultants are also in charge of facilitating the training of inpatient staff to improve service.


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  5. Jorex cakloe04 August, 2017

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